Baked Beans

Baked Beans is a nutritious, inexpensive, and easy dish to make.  It can be adjusted for both vegans and meat-lovers.  Beans are a great source of nutrients such plant-based protein, potassium, phosphorus, fiber, folate, magnesium, iron, and calcium.


  • 2 lbs of Lima, Cannellini, or Great Northern Beans or Canned Beans
  • 2 medium-sized onions
  • 3 Carrots
  • Tomato sauce ~10 oz
  • 3 Bay Leaves
  • Black Pepper
  • Oil
  • Animal-based Protein (optional) such as pork, beef, or sausage


  1. Soak the beans for 5-6 hrs in advance, or use canned beans if you want a quick dinner.
  2. Boil the beans along with the carrots until soft. Drain almost half of the water. The amount of water you keep depends on the desired thickness of the final outcome.
  3. Meanwhile, saute the chopped onions until they are tender while stirring occasionally.
  4. Add your choice of protein (if any) to the sauted onions until the meat browns (several minutes). Stir occasionally.
  5. Add the tomato sauce, a pinch of salt, black pepper, and bay leaves, and and bring it to a boil.
  6. Add the above mixture to the cooked beans.
  7. Transfer the mixture to an oven-safe dish, place it in the oven at 375 F, and bake it for ~25-30 minutes or until the water volume decreases until the desired consistency is reached. Alternatively, for a shorter cooking time, you can cook it on the stove in a large skillet.
  8. You can serve it with pickled mushrooms (click here for the recipe) or pickled carrots (stay tuned for the recipe).