How to make plain yogurt at home

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Even though yogurt is commercially available, I prefer to make my own at home to control the ingredients as most store-bought yogurt contains unnecessarily added sugar and/or thickeners.

You will need the following:

Milk (preferably whole)

Yogurt — I prefer this Greek Fage 5%

Yogurt Maker – I purchased mine from Amazon, and it comes with 7 jars. It’s simple, affordable, and works very well.  Here is a link to this Euro Cuisine Yogurt Maker.

Here are the simple steps:

  1. Warm ~1300 mL milk at 2000C
  2. Cool it to 1000C by placing it in the sink that contains ice-cold water.
  3. Add the cold milk to 100 g yogurt, and whisk the mixture well.
  4. Transfer the mixture to the jars.
  5. Place the jars (without the lids) in the yogurt maker, and keep them there for ~ 8 hours.
  6. Store the covered jars in the fridge, and enjoy the creamy, delicious, healthy probiotic.